Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What is the Cartesian Doubt?

Cartesian Doubt

The Cartesian Doubt is a form of skepticism that is associated with Rene Descartes. It is also known as Cartesian Skepticism, Methodological Skepticism, and Hyperbolic Doubt. It is a systematic process where you are skeptical or that you doubt about everything, including the believes of people. This was largely popularized in Western Philosophy. Rene Descartes doubted the truth of all of his believes in order to see if it was true. This is subjective to all knowledge claims and has a goal to determine which are true claims and which are false claims. Its purpose is to use doubt as a route of certain knowledge by finding those things that can't be doubted because we know it is true. Sensory information is a form of Cartesian Doubt because we all see everything differently and to determine if it is true you have to go to several steps.

These steps are:
1. Only accept what you KNOW is true
2. Break down the truth into smaller units
3. Solve the simple problems first
4. Doubt everything

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